How To Set Fitness Goals The SMART Way – Time-Specific

Neil helping a client maximize the effectiveness of a plank exercise.

How to Set Fitness Goals the SMART Way – Time Specific

Picking up from my last blog, using the SMART framework, you should consider five focus areas when setting your goals to help make them more realizable.  SMART goals should be:






In today’s blog let’s focus on how your goal needs to be Timely, or Time-Specific

Setting a start time and deadline is essential to the success of reaching your goals. This allows you to work out a plan to achieve the goal by breaking it into daily actions and by marking tour progress by acknowledging smaller milestones.

In the case of framing our elbow plank for 60 seconds as a timely goal we might say, “I want to hold a 60 second elbow plank in two months time”.  You could then break it into smaller goal segments, like a 20 second or 30 second plank, and progress daily and weekly from there.

When you set yourself a realistic time frame, it’s easier to plan and schedule the time you’ll need towards achieving your goal, and you’re more likely to be motivated to work towards a specific deadline.

Stay tuned, as we discuss how to assess your progress.